Introduction (介绍)
Purpose (目的) This document describes the process that is to be used for requesting and managing changes to work products created or maintained by the members of. This process will facilitate communication about requested changes among the stakeholders of , provide a common process for resolving requested changes and reported problems, and reduce the uncertainty around the existence, state, and outcome of a change that has been requested in a work product.
Scope (范围) Any stakeholder ofcan submit the following types of issues to the change control system:
· requests for requirements changes (additions, deletions, modifications, deferrals) in software currently under development
· reports of problems in current production or beta test systems
· requests for enhancements in current production systems
· requests for new development projectsThis change control process applies to baselined work products created or managed by the members of the, including:
· software that has been released to production or is in beta test
· requirements specifications for
· group procedures and processes
· user and technical documentationThe following work product classes are exempted from this change control process:
· work products that are still under development, except for requirements changes requested in new projects
· interim or temporary work products created during the course of a project
· any work products intended for individual use only
·在软件处于开发阶段的需求变更请求 (添加, 删除, 修改, 延期)
Purpose (目的) This document describes the process that is to be used for requesting and managing changes to work products created or maintained by the members of
Scope (范围) Any stakeholder of
· requests for requirements changes (additions, deletions, modifications, deferrals) in software currently under development
· reports of problems in current production or beta test systems
· requests for enhancements in current production systems
· requests for new development projectsThis change control process applies to baselined work products created or managed by the members of the
· software that has been released to production or is in beta test
· requirements specifications for
· group procedures and processes
· user and technical documentationThe following work product classes are exempted from this change control process:
· work products that are still under development, except for requirements changes requested in new projects
· interim or temporary work products created during the course of a project
· any work products intended for individual use only
·在软件处于开发阶段的需求变更请求 (添加, 删除, 修改, 延期)
- 1谈作为项目管理软件下载的核心的范围管理
- 2项目管理软件下载工作进度反馈,能更优雅些吗
- 3怎样从容应对客户的需求反复?
- 4谈如何制定项目进度全过程
- 5从零开始成为优秀的项目经理
- 6作好项目总结,提高项目管理软件下载能力
- 7项目失败主要受糟糕的范围管理的影响
- 8To CEO :简析特雷默定律
- 9项目管理软件下载中工作分解结构模型(WBS)的应用
- 10项目管理软件下载6.0系列
- 11项目管理软件下载过程及其阶段或活动
- 12梁光华项目管理软件下载手记之三:婚姻成功的密诀,项目管理软件下载亦如此
- 13范围管理是项目经理功力的照妖镜
- 14项目管理软件下载与角色扮演
- 15管理咨询的“阿喀琉斯之踵”
- 16项目范围管理:如何避免用户的“漫天要价”和“就地还钱”
- 17项目范围管理:项目范围说明书
- 18浅析项目范围和进度的制定
- 19梁光华:敏捷方法与项目管理软件下载
- 20企业流程管理的差距在哪里?
- 21项目经理应具备的十八般武艺
- 22SOA项目失败十大原因及完善建议
- 23项目成败的关键在于项目范围管理
- 24做好项目管理软件下载的七大原则
- 25项目经理的素质
- 26重视项目收尾管理工作
- 27项目范围是项目成败的关键
- 28流程优化的原则和步骤
- 29总结项目进度管理经验
- 30如何控制项目的范围变更