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Introduction (介绍)

Purpose (目的) This document describes the process that is to be used for requesting and managing changes to work products created or maintained by the members of . This process will facilitate communication about requested changes among the stakeholders of , provide a common process for resolving requested changes and reported problems, and reduce the uncertainty around the existence, state, and outcome of a change that has been requested in a work product.


Scope (范围) Any stakeholder of can submit the following types of issues to the change control system:
  · requests for requirements changes (additions, deletions, modifications, deferrals) in software currently under development
  · reports of problems in current production or beta test systems
  · requests for enhancements in current production systems
  · requests for new development projectsThis change control process applies to baselined work products created or managed by the members of the , including:
  · software that has been released to production or is in beta test
  · requirements specifications for
  · group procedures and processes
  · user and technical documentationThe following work product classes are exempted from this change control process:
  · work products that are still under development, except for requirements changes requested in new projects
  · interim or temporary work products created during the course of a project
  · any work products intended for individual use only

  ·在软件处于开发阶段的需求变更请求 (添加, 删除, 修改, 延期)

发布:2007-04-01 15:05    编辑:泛普软件 · xiaona    [打印此页]    [关闭]